
मलाई सार्वजनिक यातायात चढ्न डर लाग्छ । सार्वजनिक यातायातको त्यो अध्याँरो ओडारभित्र धेरैपटक सल्बलाएका छन् उनीहरूका हातहरू मेरो शरीरतर्फ । धेरै पटक उसको हातको तातोसँगै चिसो भएको छ मेरो मन। मेरो प्रतिकार लाई उ, अचेलका केटीहरूसँग सकिन्न भनेर जवाफ फर्काउँछ । के चाहन्छ उ?के सहनु पर्ने हो मैंले उसको त्यो छुवाई?सहनु पर्ने हो मैंले उसको … Continue reading अकविता-३

अकविता- २

तिमीलाई भन्ने, तिमीलाई सुनाउने र तिमीलाई प्रेम देखाउने मेरो व्यर्थ रहर,व्यर्थ चाहना । सपनाहरु उड्ने मैदानमा,एक धुमिल प्रकाशबीचब्याटको हरेक क्र्याकसंग,मेरो एक टुक्रा अव्यक्त प्रेम,नियतिको प्रतिध्वनिमा नै हरायोत्यहीँ कतै, यहीँ कतै । निर्दयी भाग्यको खेलमाउ आएर शतक बनाइसक्दा,म तिम्रो जिन्दगीबाट क्लिन बोल्ड हुन पुगेछु । Continue reading अकविता- २


साँझको कोमल अँगालोसँगैलजालु अनुग्रहले सजिएर उनीएक टकले उस्लाई हेर्छिन्उसको दाह्री, एक असभ्य आकर्षणउसको मुस्कान, एक सुन्दर बगैंचा ।। उसको मुस्कानसंग फैलिएकोसिम्फनी होस्या ,उसको मनमोहक नजर,दुबैले उनलाईसदाको लागि उसको बन्नको लागितान्दैछन् ,खिच्दैछन्रध्यान केन्द्रित गर्दैछन् । Continue reading अकविता

Hectic Life and Rest

At four, alarms did chime,“Wake up, Kari,” sang a rhyme.With sleep unfinished, I did rise,For college, I opened my eyes. Balaju yatayat, a crowded space,No room to breathe in that fast-paced race.Heavy bag and duties on my shoulder,A schedule so full, it’s hard to smolder. Office tasks and demanding clients,Exhaustion sets in, no time for … Continue reading Hectic Life and Rest

The Importance of Financial Reporting in Ensuring the Effectiveness of Training Sessions and Capacity Building Programs

While the primary focus of training sessions and capacity building programs is skill enhancement and knowledge dissemination, the financial aspect of these endeavors is equally crucial. Financial reporting holds the key to ensuring transparency, accountability, and overall success in managing such initiatives. This article delves into the significance of financial reporting in the context of … Continue reading The Importance of Financial Reporting in Ensuring the Effectiveness of Training Sessions and Capacity Building Programs

Chasing Joy Through Turmoil

In a day filled with endless toil,I’m called a workaholic, oh the turmoil!But it’s not that, I say with a sigh,Depression’s shadow makes me wonder why. Work’s load, money worries, and back’s ache,Exams press on, my nerves at stake.Yet, I claim I’m not down, I won’t let it oppress,I’m on a happiness journey, I confess. … Continue reading Chasing Joy Through Turmoil

Lovesick Melody

In the dimness of each night’s embrace,Amidst the shadows, a melancholy face,A heart weighed down, feeling quite low,A soul yearning for a place to let emotions flow. With tears that beg to stream and cascade,A whispered plea within, a vow replayed,“Hey, Karishma, if you wanna cry, cry more,”Yet, in response, a brave resolve she bore. … Continue reading Lovesick Melody

Boundless Hearts: A Love Adventure

In lands of beauty, we’ll roam hand in hand,Together we’ll explore, a wondrous band.Through mountains tall, our spirits shall ascend,In nature’s embrace, our hearts shall mend. To Patan’s ancient glory, we’ll make our way,And Basantapur’s charm, like sun’s first ray.In Bhaktapur’s Durbar Square, history unfolds,Amidst ancient tales, our love will be told. When tears well … Continue reading Boundless Hearts: A Love Adventure